Columbia River Fish Report for 3-22-2022
Sturgeon retention closes on The Dalles Pool
Columbia River

by WA Department of Fish & Wildlife Staff
Action: Closes retention of sturgeon.
Effective date: March 22, 2022, until further notice.
Species affected: White sturgeon.
Location: From The Dalles Dam to John Day Dam, and all adjacent Washington tributaries.
Reason for action: Creel data indicates that the 190-fish guideline is projected to be met as of March 21, 2022, and therefore, there is not enough fish remaining on the guideline to support the previously scheduled openings through March 30 in The Dalles Pool.
Additional information: The Dalles Pool remains open for catch-and-release fishing for sturgeon on days not open to retention, as do many other stretches of the Columbia. Fishing for sturgeon at night is prohibited.
Information contact: Region 5 office; 360-696-6211
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